I am a scientist and writer obsessed with understanding big problems that require well designed solutions. By education and by trade I am a modeler, which means I build computer models that describe the structure of problems so they can be simulated and compared to historic real-world behavior in order to develop long lasting, efficient solutions. Put more simply, I use computers to help solve problems that cannot be solved without their aid.
After the birth of my first of two sons in 2010, my research into our inability to act on large-scale issues such as climate change and national debt led me to Congress, which then led me to money in politics. Since then, I have dedicated a great deal of time, energy, and treasure to understanding and addressing the causes and consequences of the institutionalized form of corruption that has hijacked our country. A corruption that is the singular root cause preventing our country from dealing with every other pressing issue before us.
In my efforts to raise awareness and promote understanding, I have walked over 200 miles as part of the NH Rebellion. I ran as an independent in the 2014 Massachusetts U.S. Senate race, backed entirely by small dollar contributions and walking over 340 miles while collecting signatures to get on the ballot.
I also occasionally write for Independent Voter Network and most recently completed research that includes a comprehensive model describing the relationship between campaign finance, institutional corruption, public policy, and income disparities. From this work I was able to compare and explore all the popular campaign finance reform proposals to see which are most effective and permanent.
Going forward I will continue doing all that I can manage to help restore citizen equality and our representative democracy so that the United States can once again live up to its full potential and provide a future for our children that is bright and full of opportunity.